Pornhub Announces Natalie Nevarez as Recipient of 2nd Annual “Pornhub Cares” $25,000 Scholarship

Posted: 12/04/2017

Pornhub Announces Natalie Nevarez as Recipient of 2nd Annual “Pornhub Cares” $25,000 Scholarship
Leading Adult Platform Selects University of Michigan Graduate Student Pursuing her PhD in STEM from Thousands of Outstanding Female Applicants

New York, NY (April 12, 2017) – Pornhub, the premiere online destination for adult entertainment, today announced Natalie Nevarez as the recipient of the 2nd annual $25,000 Pornhub Cares Scholarship. Launched under Pornhub’s philanthropic umbrella, “Pornhub Cares,” this year’s scholarship solicited applications from outstanding females pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) exclusively. Applicants were charged with submitting a written personal statement detailing their current endeavors, and future aspirations, to make the world a better place.

“The focal point of this campaign was to draw attention to the glaring underrepresentation of women in the STEM fields, which is becoming increasingly problematic. We wanted to do our part in not only recognizing women’s outstanding accomplishments in the STEM fields, but also encourage them to continue to achieve both their academic and societal aspirations and make the world around us a better place,” said Corey Price, Vice President, Pornhub. “Natalie embodies everything we were looking for and more. Her academic achievements in STEM really stood out to us as did her inspiring personal story to give back and provide for her community.”

The Pornhub Cares Scholarship campaign required potential female candidates pursuing a career in a STEM-related field to submit an essay between 1,000 and 1,500 words in length, addressing the following question: “How are you working towards making the world a better place?” in addition to an optional video clip further illustrating the entrants response, as well as a resume and an official academic transcript. An esteemed panel of Pornhub judges evaluated candidates upon specific criteria, including inherent traits such as leadership and creativity, alongside more tangible accomplishments such as extracurricular activities and dedication to community service efforts.

Natalie Nevarez is currently a graduate student at the University of Michigan, pursuing her PhD in Biopsychology. Her work focuses primarily on researching the neurobiology of both monogamy and polygamy and how social relationships can buffer from the effects of drug addiction. Through her essay submission she eloquently described her upbringing in a bracero family in the United States, her hardships to attain her academic excellence and her commitment to provide for her community. Her superlative qualities of perseverance, achievement, and dedication especially resonated with the judges and made her the perfect representation of who they wanted to anoint as the recipient of the scholarship.

"I am honored, humbled, and overjoyed to be the recipient of this scholarship, said Nevarez upon news of her selection. “It comes at a crucial time in my development as a scholar and will provide immeasurable help to me as I begin my scientific career"

For more on Nevarez’s story and to see Pornhub Aria make the call informing Natalie of her being chosen as the recipient, please see

For more information on the Pornhub Cares Scholarship contest, please visit the landing page at

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